Saturday 10 April 2010

Things I Have an Opinion On #19

The news that AOL has put Bebo up for sale.

I've put this blog off for a while, for two reasons. Both laziness and enkoying watching the hypocrisy of the sayings from people in my lifestream. First thing, find me an article which said it was being closed down last night. Better yet, one that says it's being shut down now. Can you? No. AOL says that if there's no buyer by the END OF MAY then it will be shut down. A whole month and a half there for people with no access to calendars.

I've never liked AOL. I never liked this advert:, the burd with the dress that showed the internet scared me, and I hate watching old episodes of Friends and seeing a thing at the bottom of the screen at the end saying AOL Keyword: Friends, who cares about your shite AOL Keywords? My hatred of AOL intesified when as a complete computer noob, I was subjected to their shite browser and log-in service, the annoying sound of dial-up and the idiotic option to have Alan Partridge tell me if I have e-mail or not. Scratch that, he was amazing. But still, AOL is shite.

No wonder then that they buy a website for 850 million in 2008 (a good time for bebo, my peak of profile views came in June of that year) and less than two years want to flush it all down the pan, what a pile of shite. Granted, Bebo is losing users but that simply brings up the question, why?

It seems they've all pissed off to Facebook which in my opinion is astounding. Asking a friend today (Barry McAuley, if you want to scold him) what was so much better about it, and he said that you can "like" statuses. Fantastic. In this internet-centred world where the English language is going to pot, the best feature of a website is something that allows you to not bother even writing that you appreciate what someone says, simply clicking a button that tells the person such. Outstanding. As anything that butchers the already crippled medium of proper communication makes me want to vomit, you can pretty much say I detest the core values of facebook already.

Why do I have it then you ask? Because everyone else does. However, what I fail to see is how it is this centre-point for so many people, with people claiming omg fb addiction! (i'm looking at you, Samantha Jones. Seriously, no-one cares) and me constantly being offered free gifts in Farmville. Look, I tried Farmville, it's shite. If I want to play games on a screen, i'll do something that doesn't involve growing fucking crops for a non-existant people. Nor do I care about the sort of groups I see, stuff titled "that moment when you're asleep but you think you're falling and you wake up and you realise that you were asleep," coupled with the volume of Sickipedia jokes that get passed off as original material. Why? What is so wonderful about this that you had to do it on Facebook rather than the Bebo sites that just about everyone had? Is it the pretty blue stripe at the top as opposed to the black one?

On the matter of page design, Facebook is simply another tool of the NWO to make everyone identical. Do you want an individual colour scheme on your home page? Bebo says yes, have whatever you like! Make your own shitey ones proclaiming love for someone who'll dump you in a week if you please! Facebook says no. You're not getting one, and all your page font will be irritatingly small and turn everything into your list of telly programmes/music into hyperlinks. Outstanding. As a skin-maker (a very poor one, by my own admission), I like personalising my page with whatever I feel strongly about at the time (although I never made an In Rainbows one annoyingly), I like knowing that when someone (most recently Dominique, although Cogan and Conner like to send me mean things occasionally) bothers to go on my page or leave a comment that they will see a picture of a road in Billings, Montana, or that they will see Chris Stewart or they will see Radiohead in all caps. Facebook, no dice.

Bebo's been good over the years. Providing both a platform for my thoughts and a platform for stalking, paedophilia, the failed Colony of Comedians, secret communicae and many a heightened discussion between me and many others, all you Facebook snobs cannot deny that it's been good to you, and that it's ironic that everyone saying "wow lol, bebo's still here, does anyone care?" (Laura Moore this time, was David's chocolate starfish delicious? Just so you know, this has put paid to both Kirsty Black and Dylan McCrones ability to eat Milky Way Magic Stars) has simply proven that despite your claims, you still care about bebo on some level if you've came back to mock its demise.

Well, I think i've said all I have to say on this matter. As Bebo's future is uncertain, I shall now be doing what I told myself I would do ages ago (I think its creation date is Sep 09), and actually using a blog website to put out my thoughts.

Suscribe, enjoy and consider yourself with a heartfelt thank you from me if you're ever taken time to read anything i've put out here. Take note that from now on on Bebo, I will again be ripping off Craig Johnstone and posting my true feelings on just about everything.

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