Thursday 15 July 2010

Things I Have an Opinion On #23

The series of PS2 Collections for the PS3 system

Released in April to a fanfare that normally accompanies a French military victory, the God of War Collection for the PlayStation 3 was a single blu-ray disc which comprised the two PlayStation 2 games, God of War and God of War 2. While this may be seen as simply a way for Sony and the respective developers to make in money whilst putting out no new content, the idea is absolute genius. I came up with it years ago, and it amazes me that no-one at developers who had popular PS2 games did either. I have never played a GoW game, but i'll be picking the Collection up when I can find a copy of it, and enjoying it. That's what makes this very simple idea so brilliant. Not only does it allow people who had these games to experience them again in HD (and 3D, if you're the kind of person who loses thread of a conversation when as bird flies past), but it allows people like me to experience what's constantly described as one of the best series in gaming. Lord knows it's been ripped off by enough other games to warrant that tag.

Gamers like me have jumped at this idea, and the mounds of suggestions from the PS2's substantial (and still growing) back catalogue have bombarded gaming sites all over the internet. Happily, the Sly Cooper collection will be coming to us in November. One of the lesser-known brilliant games from the 6th generation, this Collection will allow the few geeks like me who know what it is to re-live their childhood, and allow others to hopefully be captivated by its magic.

What follows is a list of the series I deem worthy of getting the PS3 gloss:

Jak and Daxter trilogy
And the trilogy only. None of the Crash Bandicoot ripping off where you put the chracters in go-karts, although if Daxter and The Lost Frontier are included as well, I wont mind too much. One of the top 3 series that Sony posesses, i'm amazed that these games haven't been made already. Regular readers (if they exist) will remember that Jak II was my 3rd best game of the last decade, and the lowest any placed was the original in 13th. The series has had plaudits thrown at it from all angles, and it certainly sold enough copies on the PS2 to be worthy of a re-make. It will also allow me to use my Jak II strategy guide again!

Team Ico (Ico/Shadow of the Colossus)
While The Last Guardian is coming to us.... soon, the games which Team Ico has given us are cult classics already. I never played either of them, so that's why I want them back. Both are considered brilliant if unconventional, and they seem to be the most requested games to get the shiny put over them.

Grand Theft Auto
I never played any of the old ones, and I want to.

I'm done now. I realise that the substantial....-ness of this post has rather vanished, but all I really wanted to do was applaud Sony (shock!) for what they're doing with the Collections, even if it is essentially proving that creativity int he gaming industry seems to be banned. Keep it up, and let me play Jak and Daxter again.

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