Saturday 7 January 2012


With a new year, the seemingly endless barrage of self-improvement from everyone you know can be overwhelming. I myself have never made any concrete resolutions in any year but then again, I'm perfect.

Attempting to improve upon this perfection this year is my goal however, and since I've only documented my various resolutions on twitter at around midnight (which was 6 days ago now), there's no real evidence that I can be held accountable with. Admittedly posting them here probably won't make any difference since the readership of this blog would shame those obscure publications you get on the missing words round on Have I Got News For You, but I'd like to have some record of them. Anyway, in no particular order (the order I thought of them in when originally writing them down):

1. Diary

I started keeping a diary again last March and updated it with some rather large if sporadic entries, and the last one makes me laugh and cringe a bit when I read it again. That aside, I never stuck with it. I'd like to again. Partly because regular writing will help me at University, partly because I'd like some sort of record of what I've done throughout my life and partly because keeping a diary might mean I do things in my life that are worth keeping track of. I won't have something as compelling as Christopher Isherwood's (whose own diary/books prompted me to start it in the first place when I studied him last semester) diary, but I'll have something. Even if no-one ever gets to read it.

2. Blog

Well, here we go. This one's going well so far.

3. Build

I've decided I am unhappy at having the physique and strength of an under-nourished 11-year old, so I have started to do lift some weights. 3 days in so far, my legs are killing me. Not noticed a difference arm-wise yet, but it's not going to happen over-night. I can't wait for the bitches to start rolling in when I have a stomach you can grate cheese on.

4. Drive

Something that's sort of been on my to-do list for a while, I'll learn to drive at some point this year. After my exams in January, maybe in the summer depending on how busy I am. I might even get a job to get a car.

5. University

I will spend until 4PM each day in the library, either studying or writing essays or reading or whatever else has to be done. Tried to ease myself into this one so far, not going well. Though I am fairly far ahead in my essay that's due on Monday.

6. Job

Another that's been on here a while, kind of. I'm not sure how I'll go about this, but I'll try.

7. Boring

This one's difficult. "I will be less boring" is one of those vague ones that various people on the internet will tell you is the worst kind of resolution, one that is un-doable because it has no real objective, one where you could fool yourself into thinking you'd done it when you hadn't, or something like that. Either way, I'm going to attempt to be more outgoing this year. I dread to think where that'll lead me.

8. The Planks

2012 will be the year of The Planks, be this for better or worse. I have 15 sets of words ready (with another one half-done), and they need some music to go with them. I have visions of me building my own guitar (out of planks of wood, obviously) and learning on that, so if this particular fantasy does become a reality, then it will be something to look at, at least.

9. Routine

I have this listed, but I don't know what it is. It seems to be covered under a few others. It will include better eating/water drinking/sleeping though, since my current routine for that is kinda terrible.

Additions I've thought of after this: Become a Pokemon Master. And one I started by accident (TMI-ish moment here), I shall once again attempt what I've attempted for the past 4 Lents, I will refrain from self-abuse for this year. Doing well so far.

So, there you have it. Hopefully I'll stick to them. I'll certainly try, if anything it'll help me stave off the horrid feeling that'll happen to me around mid-March, or at least make me feel as if I've achieved something in my life by this point because as it stands, I really don't think I will have.

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