Wednesday 2 June 2010

Things I Have an Opinion On #17

Originally posted on 28/3/10

Lewis Hamilton

Ever since the boy wonder came into Formula One, there was an air of expectation about him. Someone who'd won races for fun throughout his career, and could be the first good British sportsman in a long time. Everyone was happy. So was I, I enjoyed his driving style when he first started, he was unlucky to not win the championship in his first year, and then he was extremely lucky to win it on the last corner the following year.

Next season, it really went downhill. Aside from his irritating American accent that he's picked up, as well as his annoying older woman who smacks of someone who doesn't have the faintest idea what's going on, dear Lewis showed that even as someone in his 3rd year in the sport, that he's an impressionable wee twerp. If you're unaware of what happened in Melbourne with Trulli, then allow me to summarise:

Trulli in front of Hamilton.
Yellow flag waved, no overtaking.
Past yellows, Hamilton passes Trulli
Hamilton is told by engineer to let Trulli through.
Trulli goes through.

This was done with the sole intention of reporting Trulli and getting him disqualified. As this is a rather unsporting move, Lewis and his engineer decided to keep shtoom about it all. Unfortunately however, someone forgot to tell them about the wonder of team radio, so the audio clip of their conversation became public knowledge, name dragged through the mud, etc. I didn't care in the slightest, until I saw poor Lewis' grovelling apology:

What an absolute pile of shite. "Oh no look at me, i'm the world champion of my sport at 21, i'm on 15million a year and all of thius made me want to quit."

Hold on a minute. You do not quit when you are 21, making 15 million a year, get a fucking grip you big personality-bypassed lump of wood, grow a fucking pair and get a reality check. There was none of this shite when you were trying to run Alonso off the track and the team was telling you to hold back, now it's all the teams fault? Essentially a bigger boy made me do it? Fuck right off, you should have even the faintest clue about how to act in a situation like this, otherwise you shouldn't be allowed out of the house on your own.

If you thought this wasn't nauseating enough however, this very weekend he's again shown what an immature prat he is. Giving it burnouts in the middle of an Australian street, then shiting himself when the polis turned up. Hiding from the camera when he's getting questioned, and then stating that he's worried his reputation is damaged. Know what all this makes me think? I miss Kimi Raikkonen. Someone who actually acts normally when being the attention of tons of money and tons of burds, and can actually drive a car well. None of this caring about public image crap, you turn up to racr a car, nothing else.

I realise that the media circus which has become integral to Lewis' career (has he ever made you want to switch to a Santander account, or use Vodaphone incidentally?) but he needs to remember how to be a normal human being in there, because he's quickly turning into one of the most irritating people on the planet. He needs to loosen up, and just enjoy being an ultra-rich 22 year old.

Oh and he was crap today. Jenson FTW!

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