Wednesday 2 June 2010

Things I Have an Opinion On #7

Originally posted on 3/2/10

Jordan/Katie Price/whatever she is this week

Fresh from her nomination by BBC3 as the most annoy person of 2009 (which she fully deserved), everyones favourite glamour model is right back at it, marrying her big nosed transvesite. Here I thought they'd broken up as well....

Let's be fair, I hate folk like her. Being famous for taking your clothes off is about as noteworthy as being famous for winning a reality TV show. And oh lookie what happened! She got hitched with the next most useless person she probably could've. Someone whose career as a singer was shit then and is shit now, and only got attention by taking his shirt off.

Do you see the pattern?

And so, the whirlwind romance started. With crap singing (don't look it up, for your own sake), crap looks and crap telly programmes, they conquered all the glossy mags. Aside from these insipid creations fuelling the illusion that folk care about people like Jordan, I detest the things. I glance at the ones my mother leaves in the bathroom occasion, with headline stories like "I WANT TO BE THE WORLDS FATTEST WOMAN" and "I'M SLEEPING WITH MY SON" you can tell what they're going to be like, and why this stupid bitch would be plastered over it all.

So aside from the book (ironic since she's probably never read one), clothing, singing, telly and whatever other entrepenuering she's partaken in, Jordan is a waste of space. There's also something that people appear to have forgotten to tell her, considering she makes a living off her appearance:

She's ugly.

VERY ugly. Along came that jungle programme last year, where she went in to try and recapture the magic after conducting the breakdown of her marriage to a man she has two kids with the old fashioned way; that is in the media, and she failed miserably. After constant moaning to the public about them making her suck kangaroo balls or whatever, she gave up. Did she not get that nobody can stand the sight of her and would quite happily run her over if given half a chance?

That brings me back to my original point however, as after the jungle programme, she dumped her boyfriend when he was waiting for her. Charming. Makes you wonder why her marriage never lasted. But now, it seems, after poor Alex Reid showed how to win a reality programme, that Jordan is right back to her good old leaching ways in '10, marrying him fresh off his sudden burst of good grace. The woman is about a subtle as a fucking sledgehammer, and the sooner she disappears from public concsiousness, the better.

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