Wednesday 9 June 2010

Things I Have an Opinion On #20

Big Brother

A culmination of the PlayStation Network being down for maintainence and my exams being over mean I am back blogging! Now I have no distraction, hopefully I can get back into it and satisfy the 6 people who actually read the things. As such, I find it fitting my return to complaining on the internet will coincide with something which has been complained about since it first started, and that is the name now synonymous with reality television, "Big Brother."

Big Brother should not be known purely for being a television programme. Most people who watch it would vaguely be able to tell you where the name comes from, what it means, or what is symbolises. The name is derived from one of the greatest books ever written, "Nineteen Eighty-Four" by George Orwell. In this, Big Brother is the symbol for the leader of the Party, who hold government. Who Big Brother is and where he is based is never known, and the ultimate goal for all people of Oceania is to simultaneously love and hate Big Brother, and act upon his every word. In this sense, the telly programme has been fantastically accurate, as the saps who go in follow every whim of whoever sits and dreams up the rules, and it has been both loved and hated by the public since its inception at the start of the last decade.

I personally have never watched an episode outwith the launch shows, mainly because I have a brain. While it may have been interesting originally, it soon changed as the years went past, becoming a horrible metaphor that developed with society, only here, it was broadcast to us 24 hours a day. Farce is the only word that can really describe what has resulted however, as the people on show are simply desperate for a bit of fame, and as they have no discernable talents, they feel that being on this stupid programme and flashing some skin will get them somewhere. Has it? Can even the most ardent BB anorak remember people outwith the winners? I doubt it, and that's why I feel sorry for the people on this and the people who watch it. People whose lives are so mundane that they have to watch people cooped up in a house for 3 months (that's how long you'll have to put up with this one) have to be one of the most depressing groups you could imagine.

Like most normal people, i'm glad that the series that starts this evening is the last. Even though it may have been a good idea at first, it lost its mojo long ago, and it ending means that i'll be able to watch E4 without seeing adverts for it and the 83 spin-off shows, I wont have to watch DAVINA MCCALL shouting at me, and I wont have my Scrubs interuppted.

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